Cristiana Bolchini


My research interests cover two different research areas. I started my research career in the Computer Architecture group at Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria of Politecnico di Milano working within the field of Embedded System Design and Design Methodologies with a focus on Dependable Systems, and a decade later I also extended my interests in the Database, Web and Society group of the same department, contributing to the Context-Aware Data Design and Management area.

My publications reflect this multi-disciplinary profile and fall into these two areas. The complete list is available here.


My publications (-) can be classified as:

  • papers in refereed international journals,
  • papers in refereed international conferences, symposia and workshops,
  • 5 chapters in international research books, and
  • 5 guest editorials and 4 editing of conference/workshop proceedings

(Source: automatic parsing of Scopus data.)

Public lists


Reliability Fault Tolerance Dependability Functional Diagnosis (for fault identification) Hardware Fault Resilience Lifetime Reliability Robust DL Applications Dynamic Resources Management FPGAs Embedded Systems Heterogeneous Architectures Context Awareness ICT for Smart/Sustainable Buildings Energy Footprint Sensor Data Handling User Behavior


This is the word cloud of my co-authors.